This week from the pinterest files.

1. Paula Deen's Baked Spaghetti. I feel like we don't normally eat stuff like this - carb heavy casseroles (not that there is anything wrong with them) - but last week I just sort of had this craving for it. And my next door neighbor had surgery and I wanted to make something for them. So I basically doubled this recipe, but then added a package of frozen winter squash to it to make me feel like it was healthier. It tasted exactly like I would expect baked spaghetti to taste. I don't think this will be in our regular rotation, but it is great to make ahead and also give away.

2. Coconut rice and beans. I made this tonight for dinner and it. was. fantastic. The coconut-lime-ginger rice was delightful. The actual beans I found to be a bit bland, but I bet some added lime juice and more cumin would help that. I'd also add ginger to the beans next time, as well. But you serve it with mango(!!) and cilantro on top.

3. Vegan Chocolate Mousse. I can't say that I actually found this recipe on pinterest, but I did find this blog there. She has a whole blog devoted to healthier desserts, all of which are vegan. I'm not vegan, but I do want to eat healthier. This mousse is made with tofu, melted chocolate and a little sweetener. I also swapped almond extract for vanilla and it was divine. And I didn't feel that bad about eating it.


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