December 7

We (finally!) got our tree up yesterday. I had been feeling rather bah-humbug this Christmas season because we had no decorations up yet, so I was so excited to get our tree up and decorated yesterday. I had this whole plan that we were going to make hot cocoa and listen to Christmas music and get our house decked out. Then I got called into the hospital to deliver a baby. This sweet girl was having her first baby, and since the last delivery I got called in to do, I actually missed, I was feeling a bit over zealous and went to the hospital well before I was really needed. She ended up having the baby around 9:30 or so and I was very bummed that we were going to have to postpone decorating for another day since I didn't get home until after 10.

But I have an awesome husband who was totally game to do our decorating late! I still made hot cocoa, we turned on some Christmas pandora, and got the tree decorated and some stockings hung. We definitely still have some halls to deck, but I'm feeling much more "Joy to the World" now. It also helped that I spent much of today working on some homemade Christmas gifts.

Since we did the tree after Judah went to bed, he was so excited to explore it this morning. It was adorable how excited he was about all the ornaments. He just back and forth around the front of the tree touching all the low-hanging ornaments.

And this isn't that great of a photo, but here is Judah's "busted" face - the one he uses when I've caught him doing something he knows he isn't supposed to be doing. In this case, touching the glass ball ornaments. I do love that I got it on film.


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