Interesting Links

 Did everyone see the fake MLK quote that floated around facebook and twitter the other day? Here is a great link explaining where it came from and how it got so widely propagated.

Another great link which helps explain my position on alternative medicines.

Russell Moore had this excellent post about infertility and Mother's Day. One of my favorite parts was actually this prayer written by someone in the comments about how pastors can best pray on Mother's day.

"Heavenly father, on a day like Mother’s Day there are so many different emotions that we bring to you.
Some of us bring emotions of deep gratitude and joy for the mothers you have blessed us with, mothers who have loved us, 
cared for us, 
walked with us
and taught us how to live well.
We praise you for such love shown to us through our moms and we pray for all those who are moms, that you would give them:
strength where they are weak,
wisdom where they are unsure,
patience with the many demands placed upon them,
faith in your care for them and their families,
and love – deep love – for those whom you have given them to nurture.

Others of us bring emotions of sadness and pain. Some of us are saddened because our relationship with our mom is not easy, or was not easy, or perhaps never existed at all. Please
meet us in our pain,
heal our hearts where they are wounded,
soften our hearts where they are hardened,
and enable us to forgive and to love even those who have hurt us.

Others of us are saddened because we long to be moms, long to have children, and yet are not able to do so. Father of mercies,
give us comfort in our sadness,
trust in you despite unfulfilled longings,
and joy in knowing that you never stop loving us or having our best in mind.

We pray these things to you as our Father, who loved us before the world began, and will love us forevermore.
In Jesus’ name, amen!"

I'm very thankful that there are such sensitive and Godly men out there for whom the topic of infertility is something that they care so deeply about.

(HT: Justin Taylor)
