What I've learned about being a working mom.

Or "Why there are always dirty dishes in the sink and a pile of laundry in the bedroom."

Since I'm in the midst of another work week, I thought I'd post a few thoughts about being a working mom and what makes my life easier as a working mom.

1. The realization that I can't do it all. I am not superwoman. I have decided that I am not going to feel like a failure if the house is messier the weeks that I work, or if Judah wears a few more disposable diapers, or the laundry piles up more. I would rather spend time with my husband and son than trying to get all that stuff done every day.

2. Things are much better if I do as much as possible the night before work. I try to get my breast pump bag ready to go with everything washed that I need to take. I pick out my clothes. I often take a shower in the evening because that's one less thing to do in the morning.

3. I really, really need to plan meals ahead of time. Honestly, I don't do this well. But if I make at least a little plan ahead of time, even if that just involved putting something out to thaw, then dinner is much less stressful.

4. I always wondered if I would be satisfied staying home as a mom. Now I know. Even though I love my job, I really don't miss it the weeks that I don't work. Maybe if I wasn't working at all I'd miss it, but I'm working just enough to satisfy me. I'm very thankful that I was able to find such a flexible job.

5. I have a really, really awesome husband. He is so helpful, especially the weeks when I work, and takes such good care of Judah. I'm also very thankful he has the kind of job where he can stay with Judah when I'm at work. He is a superman, working hard to prepare wonderful sermons each week, and also finishing up a Th.M. I love that man.


CO mom said…
And I love you
and Jeff
and Judah
What a beautiful picture God is designing through your family!
So...I do think you are supermom....but I'm glad you give yourself grace on the things that don't get done!!

Have you ever looked into e-mealz.com. It's awesome. It saves money (endorsed by Dave Ramsey), great recipes, easy planning.
REO in CA said…
Aunt RuthEllen has another idea. How about hiring a housekeeper during those working weeks. I think you really deserve it, and it could help the economy for someone else.

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