
I've been thinking hard the last few days about what I can write about.

And I got nothing.

I could write about the current cupcake-baking kick I'm on, but I have no beautiful photos of finished cupcakes to show you. Jeff requested root beer float cupcakes for his birthday this year, and I'm trying to figure out exactly how to make the tastiest, most root-beer-floatiest cupcakes I can. I'll let you know what I figure out.

I made some delicious pecan-sesame chicken for dinner last night, and I thought about posting the recipe, but that just seems boring. This isn't really a food blog and I don't want to just resort writing about what I'm eating.

I'm enjoying this mostly stay-at-home-mom-hood. I went to a women's bible study this morning at a local church, something I would have loved doing in the past but never could because I worked. But it's nice having a reason to get dressed and leave the house in the morning. Since some days I don't put on actual clothes until after lunch. Which I probably need to work on.

Judah's favorite thing to play with on his exersaucer is the little paper tag. He'll spend a long time quietly concentrating on that little blue tag. It cracks me up.

I made some pants for Judah right after he was born. They were, of course, enormous on him. Then I sort of forgot about them, until a couple of days ago. I'm glad I remembered them when I did because they just barely fit now. I still have maybe another week or two until he outgrows them. They look adorable on him and it made me very excited to make him some that are bigger. Photos to come.

So there you have it. Most of the random thoughts swirling around in my head. Hopefully I'll do something fun or have some deep insightful thought I can share in the next few days.


Christy said…
I'm gonna need that pecan sesame chicken recipe asap. Food is NEVER boring.
I would like that recipe also!
I completely understand having a reason to get dressed and get out of the house. And, there is no rule that says you have to put on "clothes" everyday :)

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