
Our annual resident retreat was this past weekend - filled with lots of good food, games, cool mountain air, and a nice refreshing break from residency. The retreat was at a little resort/inn in Flat Rock, NC.

Sunday, a big group of us went to the Biltmore estate. Even though I've lived less than 2 hours from there for most of my life, this was actually the first time I'd ever been. It's always nice to get to hang out with everyone away from work.

Inside the green house at Biltmore.

The albino peacock that lived at the place we stayed. He looks like he's wearing a wedding dress.
Cute goats at Carl Sandburg's home.
Biltmore! (Sadly, you are not allowed to take photos inside the house. How lame is that?)

It was a little sad to come back and get to work, especially since I worked all day yesterday, then worked the ER until 11pm. Today, I got home from to work to find my sweet husband feverish and laid up on the couch. It gave me a good excuse to try a kind of medicine I can't give to most of my patients - homemade chicken soup.


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