The Way I See It. By: Lucy

Hello, my name is Lucy, I'm the new dog around here. I feel bad that I haven't introduced myself sooner, but Mom and Dad don't let me have much computer time. But now mom is "post-call" so she's snoozing the afternoon away (a favorite activity of mine, too! Like Mama, like dog), and Dad, he's looking for work again (as if entertaining me was not a full time job already). So I finally got the computer to myself for a bit.

Besides, I'm just now figuring out what this "blog" is all about. For the longest time I thought they were saying "dog." Which would make sense, they were always talking about getting comments on the dog, naturally, people are always commenting on me. And talking about updating the dog, which was worrisome at first, until I learned it usually meant I was getting a bath, or getting brushed, or getting "updated" in some other way. It's true too, I'm like a new dog after a bath.

Anyway, I just wanted to show you a bit of the house from my perspective. Here's the backyard:

For some reason my dad still thinks I prefer taking my dinner on the back deck, instead of under the kitchen table like normal people.

Here's the garage:

Thanks to some administrative oversight, my bed is still placed in the garage. I'm hoping to have this error corrected soon.

And here's a picture of me exploring my big spacious fenced-in backyard:


Anonymous said…
jeff funny are you. this made me miss ya'll like crazy. i gotta get to greenwood!

Anonymous said…
You all are so prolific I didn't even run across THIS post till now. Poor dog.

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