Quotes of the week...

Working at the credit union continues to be a source of endless entertainment. Here's a few of the choice gems from this week...

* One guy was sitting in my office on the phone with his mortgage company, trying to set up automatic payments. He was getting transferred around from agent to agent, and obviously getting frustrated, when he got transferred again he explained, "I hope you can help me, I've already been through this whole rigor mortis twice already."

* Another lady was mad at me because we had taken 200 dollars out of her direct deposit before she had a chance to get to it, and she wanted it back. The truth was that her credit card bill was a month and a half past due, and she had ignored all our attempts to contact her, so finally we just took the money. She, of course, was very unforthcoming about these little details, and so I had to do a little account research to figure out what had happened. When I realized what was going on I asked her if she had gotten our letters, she said 'no'. I explained why we had taken the money, and she said, "Besides, even if I had gotten the letter, it said $150 not $200." Ah, what a tangled web we weave....

In other news, it feels like a late November day today. Its 63 degrees outside (brrr!) and overcast, and Aubrey's got a big pot of homemade chicken tortilla soup on the stove!


Anonymous said…
Mmm, chicken tortilla.

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