Aubrey's January Book List

Here is what I read in January:

The Solace of leaving early - haven kimmel (really good)
Delta wedding - eudora welty (don’t bother)
grace at bender springs - vinita wright (I read this because I had heard it was “good” christian fiction. I was not impressed.)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling (not as good as three but upon a second read still good)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling (harry is too whiny and full of angst in this one)
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling(the best one since three)
Good in Bed – Jennifer Weiner (an interesting look at sex/relationships through a non-christian perspective, easy and entertaining)
The Hours – Michael Cunningham (somewhat slow but good)
The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath (A good insight into depression and feminism - I really liked this one)

Overall, I would recommend The Bell Jar, The Solace of Leaving Early, and of course the Harry Potter series.

Any recommendations?


Aubrey said…
Quite a few of those I read in January before class started back. A couple more weren't too long. And the Harry Potter books are quick. So it's really not that much. :)

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